
以下、WorldOfGloranthaにおけるJamie Trotsky Revellの第三期のフレストル派ロスカルム人、ロカール派セシュネラ人の外見と服装についての抄訳です。訳の間違いの責任はzebにあります:

I'd probably just stick with 15th century now. Also remember that the clothing has to be warm, given the Loskalmi climate!


I'd see grandiose and ornate clothing as part of the style, especially for the wealthy (and the 15th century is quite good for this). As is true of their architecture, for that matter.


Physically, the Loskalmi are quite Nordic, while the Seshnegi are more Mediterranean in appearance. Whilst, of course, the two races have intermingled in the past, and so are no longer as racially pure as they may have been during, say, the Dawn Age, there would be clear differences in the 'average' look, IMO. If they're tall, blond, and blue-eyed, there's a pretty good chance they're Loskalmi, not Seshnegi.
